Purple Caterpillar Massage & Wellness

Helpful Resources

There will be helpful resources listed here to help you or someone you know. Many of them have been very helpful for me along my journey as well.

Thymus thumping helps to boost your immune system and reset the energy flow throughout your body. When you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or down try tapping your thymus and repeat positive affirmations, while taking deep breaths. Thymus Thump

A great resource for survivors of sexual assault, rape, incest, or abuse. RAINN is based in DC and they have phone and chat options for help. RAINN

The National Alliance on Mental Illness has an abundant amount of information about mental illness, ways to help and how to get help.

If you are someone you know is experiencing homelessness in the DC metro area Central Union Mission is one of the oldest locations that continues to serve this population.

Learn more about ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and toxic stress, and how science is showing it is a cause for some of the most common ailments we deal with as adults, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, etc. ACEs & Toxic Stress You can also take a self-assessment to find out what your total ACE score is and how your experiences could be a contributing factor to any conditions you deal with today. Some issues are hereditary and some are an effect of ACEs. ACEs Screening Tools