Purple Caterpillar Massage & Wellness


Just Like Mama™(Intro to Therapeutic Massage, Older Adults, Target Area)

30 minutes: $65

Just Like Mama™ is a 30 min session meeting you where you are in your comfort level, just like I would do for my grandma. You do not have to get onto a massage table and could be sitting or reclining. It is used as an introduction to therapeutic massage, a shorter session for older adults (60 and up), or quick relief in a target area. Massage oil or cream is used with light-to-medium gliding strokes to ease your stress, some pain, increase circulation, and help you to fall in love with massage therapy.

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Assisted Active Stretching

30 minutes: $45
45 minutes: $60
60 minutes: $75

Developed by Jim Early, with some of Aaron Mattes' principles, is a dynamic system for improving your flexibility and overall well-being. As you probably already know, stretching your muscles not only reduces your chance of injury, but also strengthens your tendons and improves your circulation. This technique helps to produce more blood flow to the muscle without fatiguing it. One of the biggest benefits in assisted active stretching is it does not result in opposing tension or trauma to the muscles. It is great for anyone, especially athletes for pre or post events. It is recommended to wear comfortable loose clothing, like yoga or athletic attire.

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Chair Massage

10 minutes: $15
20 minutes: $30

Chair massage is a popular way of relieving stress and releasing tension. You receive your massage in a specialized ergonomic chair. In addition to the usual health benefits of massage, another benefit of chair massage is that it is done over the clothing. Chair massage sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage, making it convenient enough to fit into your busy schedule. It addresses the neck, back, arms, and shoulders (where we all commonly hold stress) using very effective and immediate relief myofascial release and assisted active stretching techniques. They are also great for offices, schools, churches, small parties, or whatever the occasion. If you are interested in securing a session for your event, email me for more details.


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Therapeutic Massage Transformation

60 minutes: $130.00
75 minutes: $145
90 minutes: $160

The Therapeutic Massage Transformation is a session that addresses the full body. It starts with an assessment and is customized based on your concerns, needs and goals. Various techniques, such as Swedish, Deep tissue, neuromuscular therapy, stretching, myofascial release, energy and breathwork can be applied. Hot stones and aromatherapy are also included to really help you transform and reach optimal results. It helps to ease chronic/severe pain, increase range of motion, enhance relaxation and promote better sleep.

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Therapeutic Massage Transformation (Community Workers/Frontline/Caregivers/Veterans)

60 minutes: $117
75 minutes: $130.50
90 minutes: $144

This is for community workers, front-line employees, veterans, or caregivers ONLY (social workers, teachers, police, firefighters, nurses, etc.) We understand the added stress you might carry to perform your daily duties or have dealt with being a veteran. You must show proof  with a valid ID. The discounted price (10% off) is but a small thank you and hopefully helps you to pour into yourself the way you do for others. It incorporates various techniques based on your goals and needs.

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Trauma Release Transformation

60 minutes: $110
75 minutes: $125
90 minutes: $140

A Trauma Release Massage is a full body session specific for anyone who has dealt with trauma. This session goes at the pace you are most comfortable, and is much slower than a therapeutic massage. There is a specific playlist designed to help you to relax and let go, in addition to, carefully selected aromatherapy. It combines Swedish, compression, rocking, holding, myofascial release, and/or stretching techniques to help you to feel more calm while reducing tension, relieving stress/trauma, and letting go.

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Reiki Healing Session

30 minutes: $88
60 minutes: $108

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work that cleanses and balances the energy system in the body. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. During a session, I work directly with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life force energy. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force to flow through me to you. You remain clothed and lay down on a massage table in a comfortable position. 

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Squeeze In Therapeutic Massage (Email first to check availability)

60 minutes: $180.00

Please email first to check availability. This is for a squeeze in appointment you need ASAP, outside of normal business hours, and are unable to book an appointment based on what's available.

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Couples or Back-to-Back Therapeutic Transformation Massages

150 minutes: $260

Each 60 minute session will be performed separately and can also serve as a teaching experience on how to massage each other; however, please send me an email before booking if you would prefer to have both sessions done at the same time. I can partner with another trusted therapist. 30 minutes is added on to allow a 15 minute grace period in between sessions. Complimentary add-ons for your sessions hot stones, hot towels, and aromatherapy.

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Massage Packages

Massage packages are also available in 3 or 6 bundles at a discounted price per session. Therapeutic massage is a process and takes time. Each session builds upon the previous to take you from pain mode to maintenance mode. Packages are a great advantage as it allows you to keep up with your bodywork and wellness, all while saving money.  You also have the option to book as many sessions as you'd like in advance within my scheduled time frame, usually 60 days at a time. Please Email Me to receive more information or to see if this would work for you.

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Massage Parties (LADIES ONLY)

Massage parties are great for a ladies night, bachelorette, birthday, healing sessions or whatever the celebration or need. The prices are offered at a discount and includes up to 5 people, each receiving a 30 min session with a target area of their choice (arms, back, legs, etc.) The total time includes 5-15 min in between sessions to allow me to clean, prep, and ground myself for the next session. If you are interested in a unisex themed party, please email to discuss the details.


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Patrice's Signature Release (COMING SOON)

COMING SOON! The ultimate release your body needs!

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Memberships (COMING SOON)

Coming soon with exclusive perks!

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